
Membership Categories:

Active membership:

Active membership shall be members in good standing with current or former responsibility for educational testing programs; or from institutions involved in the construction or use of tests in settings not primarily for profit, including, but not limited to, school systems and school system research, assessment, testing, or evaluation departments.

Associate membership:

Associate membership shall be open to all persons who are interested in assessment and who subscribe to the purposes and objectives of the Association. Associate members in good standing shall be accorded all rights and privileges of membership except the right to hold office. Bona fide graduate students in full-time programs of study which are related to or include assessment may be admitted to Associate membership.

Honorary Emeritus membership:

The Board of Directors may from time to time elect an Honorary member. Honorary members are individuals who were formerly Active or Associate members for a minimum of five years and who, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Association, have made significant contributions to the Association. The Board shall nominate such an individual and, upon a majority of Active, Associate, and Honorary members casting written ballots in favor of the proposal, this individual shall be accorded honorary emeritus status for life and shall be exempt from paying dues. This status shall also include those individuals to whom the association’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to Educational Assessment has been conferred.

To register by mail

Alternatively, you may download the membership form, filling it out and following the directions below.  Annual dues are $40. Please make checks payable to “NAAD”  

Send to:

Myrah Stockdale

91 Ariel Street 

Lillington, NC 27546
